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Monocular. Magnification: 200x. Illumination: mirror. Also included: Levenhuk K50 Experiment Kit

The microscope head is a core element of the microscope that you look through to see a magnified sample
How much the size of a sample increases when you observe it through a microscope
Elementary, school/educational
Application and use of the microscope

Product ID 66824
Brand Levenhuk, Inc., USA
Warranty lifetime
EAN 5905555007625
Package size (LxWxH) 14x19x36 cm
Shipping Weight 1.5 kg

With the Levenhuk 3S NG you can begin your adventures in the world of science right after you take the microscope out of the box, with the included Experiment Kit. This model allows for bright field observations of transparent specimens. This microscope with its 200x magnification is a fantastic doorway into the marvels and mysteries of the microcosm for children, students, and amateurs alike.

The 40-mm (1.6-in) plano-concave mirror in the Levenhuk 3S NG models provides enough light for your observations, which means you can use this microscope without having to plug it in to a power source. This is the easiest and safest illumination method, which means that children can safely use this microscope. The diaphragm disk allows you to control the amount of light required for observations of the specimen.

This monocular microscope has a single 16x achromatic objective lens, which provides a clear view without any chromatic or spherical aberrations. In this model the head is located directly above the stage, but for comfortable observations you can incline both the head and the stage to the desired angle by the arm of the microscope.

The 100x90-mm (3.9x3.5-in) stage is perfect for observations of one or two specimens. To prepare the specimen, first place a sample on the blank slide, then slowly drop a cover slip over the sample. The resulting slide is then placed on the stage and secured in place with stage clips. Use the coarse focusing knob to focus your view by moving the body tube of the microscope up and down (at 20-mm (0.8-in) intervals).

The metal construction makes this microscope both sturdy and stable.

"Attractive Microscope. Scrutinizing the Microcosm" User Guide included in the kit will lead you through a number of biological experiments that you can perform at home. For this, you will use the specimens that are already supplied with the Levenhuk 3S NG Microscope; and in just a few minutes you will be looking into the unknown. You will learn how to prepare the samples, conduct experiments, analyze the results, and, of course, you will learn a lot about the world around you along the way.

The kit includes:

  • Microscope with monocular head
  • 16x achromatic objective lens
  • H12.5x eyepiece
  • Diaphragm disk
  • Stage with the stage clips
  • Plano-concave mirror for illumination
  • Levenhuk K50 Experiment Kit
  • User manual and lifetime warranty

Levenhuk K50 Experiment Kit includes:

  • "Attractive Microscope. Scrutinizing the Microcosm" User Guide
  • Hatchery for Artemia (brine shrimp, or sea-monkeys)
  • Forceps
  • Flask with brine shrimp
  • Microtome—a tool that allows you to make very thin (fraction of a millimeter) slices of samples, which is necessary for studying samples under a microscope
  • Flask with yeast
  • Flask with sea salt
  • Flask with pitch
  • Blank glass slides (5 pieces)
  • 5 samples: fly's limb, onion, cotton stem, slice of a tree trunk, pine

Some things you can see under a microscope:

Levenhuk 3S NG Microscope is compatible with Levenhuk digital cameras (purchased separately). Levenhuk cameras are installed in the eyepiece tube instead of an eyepiece.

Product ID 66824
Brand Levenhuk, Inc., USA
Warranty lifetime
EAN 5905555007625
Package size (LxWxH) 14x19x36 cm
Shipping Weight 1.5 kg
Type biological, light/optical
Microscope head type monocular
Optics material optical glass
Head fixed (non-rotatable)
Head inclination angle not angled
Magnification, x 200
Eyepiece tube diameter, mm 23.2
Eyepieces 12.5x
Objectives 16x (achromatic)
Stage, mm 100x90
Stage moving range, mm fixed
Stage features with clips
Diaphragm diaphragm disc (6 apertures)
Focus coarse (20mm)
Body metal
Illumination mirror
User level beginners, elementary
Assembly and installation difficulty level extremely simple
Application elementary, school/educational
Illumination location lower
Research method bright field
Experiment kit included
Pouch/case/bag in set dust cover
Frequently Asked Questions – Microscopes (20.04.2020)
We have gathered answers to the most frequently asked questions to help you sort things out
Eye under a microscope: insects’ photo (20.04.2020)
Find out why studying eyes under a microscope is entertaining; how insects’ and arachnids’ eyes differ and what the best way is to observe such an interesting specimen
What does hair look like under a microscope? (17.05.2020)
Read this review to learn how to observe human hair, what different hair looks like under a microscope and what magnification is required for observations
How does the aperture of a microscope objective lens work? (17.05.2020)
Learn what a numerical aperture is and how to choose a suitable objective lens for your microscope here
A spider under a microscope: photos and peculiarities of studying the slide (18.05.2020)
Learn what a spider looks like under microscope, when the best time is to take photos of it, how to study it properly at magnification and more interesting facts about observing insects and arachnids
What does a microscope consist of? (18.05.2020)
This review for beginner explorers of the micro world introduces you to the optical, illuminating and mechanical parts of a microscope and their functions
Paramecium caudatum - your first friend from the microworld (21.11.2016)

Short article about Paramecium caudatum - a microorganism that is interesting to observe through any microscope

Questions and Answers
Justin Bright (2017.04.02)
Please tell us what is the difference between Levenhuk 3S NG and Levenhuk 2S NG? I cant find differences between this models.
Customer service:
The Levenhuk 3S NG microscope kit includes the Levenhuk K50 experiment kit.
Amanda (2016.09.27)
Can I observe opaque objects with this model? Or it requires both lower and upper illumination?
Customer service:
Levenhuk 3S NG Microscope is equipped with lower illumination - therefore it is only suitable for viewing transparent samples. To observe opaque objects you'll need a microscope with upper lighting, for example Levenhuk Rainbow 2L - .
Corey Lawson (2016.08.12)
The microscope is great! But I wonder if its magnification (200x) can be increased or not? Just seems a little small...
Customer service:
Unfortunately, magnification of the 3S NG microscope can't be increased. 200x is an average increase for an entry-level microscope.
Jane Webb (2016.01.31)
Hello! Can I just put a fish flake on the stage and observe it? Or is it necessary to prepare a slide? Is this microscope a good buy for a 3 years old kid?
Customer service:
Levenhuk 3S NG is a great microscope for a 3 years old kid, but you must always supervise your kid during observations. Yes, you don't need to prepare a slide, put it as it is on the stage and observe.
Ivan Stephens (2016.01.28)
Hello! bought this microscope to my son, chose this model mostly because of the experiment kit. We like it so far. Just one question... when observing, the image moves to the opposite direction (if you move the sample up, the image moves down, if move it to the left, the image moves to the right). Is it supposed to be like that?
Customer service:
All biological microscopes, including Levenhuk 3S NG model, create inverted, mirrored images.
Raul Kerr (2014.12.03)
Can I obtain higher increase with this microscope using additional eyepieces? If yes, then advise me some, please
Customer service:
The maximum magnification power of the Levenhuk 3S NG microscope can be obtained using 12.5x eyepiece that is already included in the kit.
Rachel Looney (2014.08.18)
I was looking for a simple cheap microscope for a school kid. You recommended this model that also comes with lots of interesting samples (onion, mosquito legs...), which is a nice bonus. Despite the simple mirror illumination, we are very satisfied with this purchase. This microscope is a good buy!
Customer service:
Thank you for your feedback on Levenhuk 3S NG Microscope!
Margaret Jones (2013.12.22)
Would it make a good first microscope for kids (6-7 y/o)? Or is it better to stick to simpler models for now and try more powerful ones later?
Customer service:
Levenhuk 3S NG is an entry-level for schoolchildren. But we recommend you to take a look at more functional and comfortable in use models, for example Levenhuk Rainbow 2L PLUS Microscope: . This microscope has built-in LED illuminations (it's a lot more comfortable to work with for a child), wider magnification range of 64-640x, inclined head which also provides for comfort during observations. Another feature that makes this microscope perfect for kids - it comes in 5 different colors:
Barbara Walker (2013.11.18)
Is this microscope good for a teenage girl (14 y/o)? Or should I look for another one?
Customer service:
Yes, Levenhuk 3S NG is a good choice for a 14 y/o lady.
Janet Taylor (2013.08.22)
can anyone tell me if it's possible to observe non-transparent objects with this microscope?
Customer service:
Unfortunately, it's not possible to observe opaque objects with Levenhuk 3S NG Microscope. Consider Levenhuk Rainbow 2L PLUS Microscope:
Kevin Doran (2013.04.07)
Will this instrument be easy to use for a first-grader (7 y/o)?
Customer service:
Levenhuk 3S NG Microscope is perfect for beginners.
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