Levenhuk Blaze D200: a new model in the range of Levenhuk digital spotting scopes
We are happy to introduce a new product by Levenhuk – a new Levenhuk Blaze D200 Digital Spotting Scope. It is already available in our online store.
Levenhuk Blaze D200 Spotting Scope is a digital optical magnifying tool for visual observations, recording videos, and taking pictures. There is a built-in 2MP digital camera inside with 20x magnification. A spotting scope is perfect for observing nature as well as taking pictures of animals, birds, and landscapes.
Levenhuk Blaze D200 features neither a built-in eyepiece nor an LCD screen. In order to view an image, connect a spotting scope to an external device: laptop, smartphone, or tablet. An image is transmitted to a screen of the device in real time mode; you can also start recording a video or taking a picture.
Find more Levenhuk spotting scopes in this section.